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The Quality of our work and trust in what we do is endorsed by our satisfied customers all over the world.

NDT Innovations has over 15 years of experience providing these services in different countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australasia, supported from our main offices in United States, Australia and South America. We have been partakers of numerous projects at their different stages depending on our customer’s requirements.


NDT Innovations Perú, SAC - Latin American Region

Planta de Separacion de Liquidos del Gran Chaco - Bolivia
Assessment and Audit Service of Advanced UT Procedures for Liquid Separation Plant in Yacuiba.

YPFB - Bolivia
Weld Inspection of several hydrogen heavy wall vessels by combination of multiple Phased Arrays and TOFD techniques according to ASME Code.

Margarita Natural Gas Project - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Weld Inspection of vessels, and pipes by combining multiple Phased Arrays and/or multiple TOFD processes according to ASME B31.3 and API 1104.

Natural Gas Pipeline - Peru
API 1104 Weld Inspection of welds by utilizing Phased Array and TOFD techniques.

Rio Huanza Hydroelectric - Peru
Inspection of fitting welds and pipes using a combination of Phased Array and TOFD techniques.

Pueblo Viejo Project - Dominican Republic
HDPE TOFD pipe field inspection to determine presence of discontinuities such as porosity, segregations, etc.
At plants of several Pipe Manufacturers in the USA and Canada.


NDT Innovations Australia Pty Ltd – Australasia

Santos GLNG Upstream Project - Australia
HDPE TOFD application for Natural Gas Pipeline inspection to determine presence of discontinuities such as porosity, segregations, etc. TOFD Testing of HDPE joints at Pipe Manufacturers plants in Australia and USA.


NDT Innovations Inc. - USA, Canada, Europe

Pressure Vessel Manufacturing -Texas
Multiple Phased Array and Multiple TOFD weld Inspections of two 3.5-¬¬inch thick (with cladding) complex geometry large vessels
Freeport TX

Ball Mills – Phased Array and TOFD Inspection - Europe
Auditing of UT Ball mill inspection on work performed by third party Inspectors using DGS techniques. Inspection Audit was done using a combination of Multiple Phased Array and TOFD procedures.

Cerro Verde II Mining Project – Peru
HDPE TOFD pipe and fitting inspection to determine presence of discontinuities such as porosity, segregations, etc. TOFD Testing of HDPE joints at Pipe Manufacturers plants in the USA

Roll Mill Procedures Audit - Finland
NDT Procedure Audit and Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection of Roll Mill and HRC Castings

Development of new Procedures and Inspection processes for HDPE fittings an piping - Germany
Development of Procedures and inspection processes of new HDPE fittings and pipe welding techniques to determine presence of discontinuities, segregations, porosity, etc. for conventional and electro fusion fittings.

Morenci and Safford Mines – Arizona
Service included the inspection of Hauling truck frames, rims, conveyor components, pipes and others mining equipment using Ultrasonic Phased Array, TOFD of HDPE, ACFM and MT.